Sunday, November 30, 2008

Brody Update

I had a great Thanksgiving break in Wabash and in Indy! I enjoyed seeing my family and getting lots of attention! I am a very lucky boy to have such a loving family! Mommy and Daddy are very proud of all the new things I can do like clapping and laughing on cue and even trying my best to crawl! Maybe by Christmas I will be able to crawl everywhere which Mommy is not ready for at all! I promise to update more soon! Happy 8 Month Birthday to me!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow, that is a lot of money!

My first Thanksgiving card!

I am learning to do lots of new things!

I really want to crawl, but I just can't figure it out, yet???

I also love to clap especially when my Mommy sings my favorite song!!!

My Grandma can make me laugh just like she does!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Believe in Blue!

Hello everyone! I just wanted to send a quick update
to let you all know that I am doing well. I love to talk and
imitate different sounds I hear. I am also getting very
excited about the holidays and cannot wait to spend
time with my family. I will write more soon! Go Colts!

Halloween Fun

I am ready to trick or treat with Mommy!

Grandma bought me some great Halloween stuff!

Look at my cool shirt! My great grandma sent it to me!

Here I am having fun with Grandpa!

My First Pacers Game!

My Daddy dressed me for the game!

It is exhausting cheering on the Celtics!