Saturday, October 31, 2009

October Update

I had my 18th month check-up about two weeks ago, and the doctor said I am doing great! Mommy did not have so much fun with me at the doctor's office though because I wanted nothing to do with having Dr. McIntire check me out! She did tell my Mommy that I weigh 25 pounds which is only the 25 percentile in weight, and I am about 33 inches long which is still in the 50th percentile in height. Dr. McIntire said I am a very healthy boy, and she was impressed with all the new words I know. Mommy, Daddy and I had a blast on Halloween on Saturday. Here is a quick video before we went trick-or-treating which shows my new fun Halloween words!!!

Happy Halloween!!!!

I hope you like my golf outfit!!
Why isn't my caddie carrying my golf bag??? I should hire a new caddie!
I am so excited to get some candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went trick-or-treating with my neighbor. I really like her hair!
I know...I am too cute!
Ok...I am new at this. What do I do with this pumpkin?
I had to get one last snack in before I went trick-or-treating! My caddie had to carry both the golfer and his clubs!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

18 Month Old Update With More To Come Soon!

Ready for the neighborhood fall party! I got to go on
a tractor ride which I LOVED!

It was cold outside before the party so Mommy and
Daddy really bundled me up! I was not so happy about
the hat! =)

I really LOVE to swing!

I am too cute!!! =)

Go Colts!! Peyton is the best player ever!!! Maybe
one day I will be just like him!

This is me having fun at Apple Works!

Mommy really wanted me to look at the camera
but there was too much going on for me to do that!

I love my family so much!

I am so smart! Daddy is working hard on helping me learn my ABC's!

I have so much to say these days! It is too funny!

*I promise to update more about me after I go to the doctor this week for my 18 month check-up!