Monday, February 16, 2009

10 Month Old Update

Hello everyone! I am so sorry again that I have not been good at updating everyone more often! I am so busy now that I can move around so fast that I do not have time to stop and write. I love to talk all the time and seem to be learning new words very quickly! I also love to go outside when it is not too cold and walk with Mommy because we see so many things I can say like "duck" and "dog." I am still crawling around everywhere and am getting really close to walking which Mommy and Daddy are not ready for yet! I am growing so fast and cannot wait for my 1st birthday which will be here before I know it! Anyway, I am off to dinner but I promise I will update sooner this time! I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I am Learning Lots of New Words!

I am talking more and more now! My favorite words are "clock" and "duck."

Random Pics of Brody over the Past Month

This food is gross!

This is me opening my Valentine's Day gift from Mommy and

I LOVE to open and close doors which Mommy does not
like since sometimes I pinch my fingers!

This is me in the huge snow we had and boy, it was cold!

Aren't I so adorable???

Peek-a-Boo With Mommy

Brody LOVES to play peek-a-boo with us! It is so cute to see him hide from us!