Saturday, September 18, 2010

B-Day Party!

Here is a quick video of me at Caden's birthday party! I had a GREAT time and was so excited to celebrate Caden's 2nd birthday! Thanks for inviting me to the party!

Baby Henry

Henry William Antrobus was born on Friday around 2:30 pm. He was just 5 lbs. 4 oz. but is doing well! I am so excited to finally have a cousin. I love baby Henry! Congrats to Uncle Wes and Aunt Carrie who are going to be wonderful parents! Love you guys!

Hi baby, Henry! I am going to have so much fun plaing with you one day!

I thought it was so funny to hear Henry make noises! He is too cute!
So adorable! My Mommy and Daddy are so excited to be an aunt and uncle now!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Go Colts!!!!!

Brody loves to talk about the Colts! We are working really hard to get all the names of the starters down!

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Couple More Quick Videos

I have been really working on spelling my first and last name as you can see. I am getting so close!!! I also love to act really silly these days!!! =)

Here I am rocking out to Bohemian Rhapsody! I love this song!! Also, Daddy wanted me to let everyone know that I do not just sing and dance all the time! I do love playing sports, too! I promise to post more pics/videos of the other more "manly" things I do soon!!! =)