Sunday, April 27, 2014

Bryson is getting so big and can FINALLY walk!!!

Bryson has finally starting standing up on his own and walking!
We have been so surprised with how well Bryson is talking. He has a lot to say these days!
More talking! =)
Talking on the go!

Easter Celebrations with the Baker Boys

We were so excited to find their Easter basket in the morning.
I was so happy to get some candy!!!
Bryson loved finding and opening his eggs.
Happy Easter from the Baker  family!!
I was thrilled to go on my Easter egg hunt with Henry at Grandma Antrobus' house.
Look at all my eggs!
I found one of Henry's eggs and could not wait to show him as you can see. :)
Bryson spent most of the morning pushing his walker around. He loved at least being outside and watching all the fun.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Brody is 6!!!!!!!

This is my bedroom door all decorated for my 6th birthday!
I was so excited when I woke up and cannot believe I am already 6!
Mommy and Daddy even decorated the kitchen for my birthday!
Daddy got me my favorite doughnuts for my birthday breakfast!
Mommy and Daddy got me a Lego train and tracks for my birthday. I LOVE it!!!
This is a quick video of Bryson and I playing with my balloons this morning.